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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vinyls are a man's best friend...

Tuesday: a day of PR and Social Media classes.
Definitely one of my best days, as I am quickly immersing myself into the depths of PR seas and very much loving it. It's one of those times when you truly find your calling and you know that it's going to be it.

A part of my Social Media training is the ever-enjoyable freedom to surf the Internet in search of new things and report on trends on my own free time.
However, this is a topic that I will be covering a lot, especially when it comes to trends and fashion-related topics. Until then you can check the quickly rising popularity of Social Media here [apparently, it's knocked off porn as the N.1 search tool on the web]

On another note, the weekend passed and with that our first Vinyl Expo in Toronto.

Woke up late (it was Sunday after all), met up with the 'Dizzle Shizzle' family and headed off to the Gladstone Hotel

$4 later and we were in:

Vintage was definitely the feel and music genres were all over the place!

Dizzle got his hands on some French oldies

...And my man ran his fingers through some good old Hip Hop

The morning was wrapped-up with a delicious brunch at the Hotel's Cafe and an afternoon of well-deserved quiet time with friends ... and listening to our newly-bought tunes.

This week is only just beginning and many things are in the works.
Stay tuned, as I'll be covering Evan Biddell's Soaree tomorrow night, FGI's Interior Design Panel, another exciting day with the GG staff and much more...

Done and Out!