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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Wonder that was McQueen

"I don't know why you get so excited at the sight of such...thing! Is that really Fashion?"

What many people - especially those fashionably-oblivious - don't understand is that it's not just about the expected, conforming fashion anymore; it's rather the opposite - those with the real insider-scoop on newest trends are rapidly looking for something to shock/shook them to their very core. Fashion is not just clothes (sadly that is how many see it), it's Art ...

It's about that place that others hardly turn their heads to; that place which others ignore because they see no beauty in it, but rather fear.

Alexander McQueen was an Unbelievable Talent - his intricate work can hardly be described in words, as only his creations could silently speak.
His was not only Fashion - it was Art! The kind of Art that will never really be again, the one that happens once...
I keep a McQueen archive close to me - it helps put me in a different place, where I can escape reality and sort of level with myself!
I was reminded of him once again today, while reading an article about The Met's Annual Fashion Exhibition, which this year "will focus on McQueen's "Savage Beauty". The Exhibition will be open to the public from May 4th till July 31st and I will definitely be treating myself to a NY Birthday Trip this summer - is there a more glorious way to celebrate one's birth but a day among the Best Art ever made?

A moment of Peace, while I reminisce over the Powers of His Soul:

Shot by David LaChapele